Main Publications (by Year)





1.    A. Castillo-Ramirez and P.P.B. de Oliveira, “Part 1: Special Issue: Automata 2019 — Selected papers from the 25th International workshop on Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems”. Natural Computing, Vol. 21, 125 pages, 2022.

2.    A. Castillo-Ramirez and P.P.B. de Oliveira. (editors). Lecture Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 11525, Springer, 2019.

3.    P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Preface”. Journal of Cellular Automata, 6(1), Old City Publishing: Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2011.

4.    P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Preface to the Special Issue on Cellular Automata”. International Journal of Natural Computing Research, 1(3), IGI Global: Hershey, PA, USA, 2010.

5.    P.P.B. de Oliveira and J. Kari. “Preface”. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 252:1-3, 2009.

6.    P.P.B. de Oliveira and J. Kari, editors. Proc. of Automata 2009:15th International Workshop on Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie / Luniver Press, São Paulo, SP, Brazil, 370 pages, 2009.


 Selected papers in Periodicals, Edited Books and Refereed Conference Proceedings






7.    P.P. Balbi, E. Ruivo and F. Faria. “Synchronous solution of the parity problem on cyclic configurations, with elementary cellular automaton rule 150, over a family of directed, non-circulant, regular graphs”. Information Sciences, 615:578-603, 2022.

8.    P.P. Balbi, T. de Mattos and E. Ruivo. “Characterisation of the elementary cellular automata with neighbourhood priority based deterministic updates”. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Article 106018, Vol. 104, 2022.

9.    P.P. Balbi, E. Formenti, K. Perrot, S. Riva and E. Ruivo. “Non-maximal sensitivity to synchronism in periodic elementary cellular automata: exact asymptotic measures”. Theoretical Computer Science, 926:21-50, 2022.

10. Isaías Lima and P.P. Balbi. “Estimates of the collective immunity to COVID-19 derived from a stochastic cellular automaton based framework”. Natural Computing, 2022.

11. I.R.R. da Silva, E.Hadad Junior and P.P. Balbi. “Cryptocurrencies trading algorithms: A review”. Journal of Forecasting, 41(8):1661-1668, 2022.

12. P.P. Balbi, G.S. Etchebehere and E.L.P. Ruivo. “A Spectral Outlook on the Elementary Cellular Automata with Cyclic Configurations and Block-Sequential Asynchronous Updates”. In A. Adamatzky (editor), Automata and Complexity: Essays presented to Eric Goles on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Springer series on “Emergence, Complexity and Computation”, vol 42. Springer, Cham., pp. 93-115, 2022.

13.  P.P. Balbi, T. de Mattos and E. Ruivo. “From multiple to single updates per cell in elementary cellular automata with neighbourhood based priority”, In: S. Das, S. Roy and K. Bhattacharjee, (eds.). The Mathematical Artist: A Tribute to John Horton Conway, Springer: Series on Emergence, Complexity and Computation, vol. 45, pp. 139-157, 2022.




14. F.T. Miranda, P.P. Balbi and P.C.S. Costa. “Synthesis of quantum circuits with an island genetic algorithm. Publicly available as, 2021.

15. I. Lima and P.P. Balbi. “Preliminaries on a stochastic cellular automaton based framework for studying the population dynamics of COVID-19”. In: Gwizdałła T.M., Manzoni L., Sirakoulis G.C., Bandini S., Podlaski K. (eds) Cellular Automata. ACRI 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12599:265-273, Heidelberg: Springer International Publishing, 2021.




16. K. Perrot, M. Montalva-Medel, P.P.B. de Oliveira and E.L.P. Ruivo. Maximum sensibility to update schedules of elementary cellular automata over periodic configurations”. Natural Computing, 19:51-90, 2020.

17. E. Goles, F. Lobos, P. Montealegre, E.L.P. Ruivo and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Computational complexity of the stability problem in the elementary cellular automata rule space”, Journal of Cellular Automata, 15(4):261-304, 2020.

18. E.L.P. Ruivo, P.P. Balbi, M. Montalva-Medel and K. Perrot. Maximum sensitivity to update schedules of elementary cellular automata over infinite configurations”. Information and Computation, page 104538, Vol. 274, 2020.

19. E.L.P. Ruivo, P.P. Balbi and K. Perrot. “An asynchronous solution to the synchronisation problem for binary one-dimensional cellular automata”, Physica-D, vol. 413, article 132554, 2020.

20. F.G. Rocha e P.P. Balbi. “Exploring the space of conservative binary rules with Moore neighbourhood. In Anais do SEMISH-CSBC 2020, Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, pp. 246-257, 2020. [In Portuguese]




21. K. Perrot, M. Montalva-Medel, P.P.B. de Oliveira and E.L.P. Ruivo. Maximum sensitivity to update schedules of elementary cellular automata over periodic configurations”. Natural Computing, 2019.

22. M.A. Nogueira and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Automatic classification of the dynamical behavior of one-dimensional binary cellular automata by means of the spectrum of neighborhood configurations”, International Journal of Natural Computing Research, 8(4):41-61, 2019.

23. E.L.P. Ruivo and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “A perfect solution to the parity problem with elementary cellular automaton 150 under asynchronous update”. Information Sciences, 493:138-151, 2019. 

24. M. Verardo and P.P.B. de Oliveira. A fully operational framework for handling cellular automata templates”, Complexity, Article ID 6573793, 2019.

25. W. Abilhoa and P.P.B. de Oliveira. Density classification by interacting agents under majority rule: Connectivity influence on performance”. In: F. Herrera, K. Matsui and S. Rodríguez-González, Eds. Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 16th International Conference, Springer: Series on Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 163-170, 2019.

26. T.G. Correale and P.P.B. de Oliveira. Minimal discretised agent-based modelling of the dynamics of change in reactive systems”. In A. Adamatzky, S.G. Akl and G. Sirakoulis, Editors. From Parallel to Emergent Computing, CRC Press: Milton Park - UK, Chapter 9, pp.199-220, 2019.




27. E. Ruivo, P.P.B. de Oliveira, F. Lobos and E. Goles. Shift-equivalence of k-ary, one-dimensional cellular automata rules”. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 63:280-291, 2018.

28. F. Lobos, E. Goles, E. Ruivo, P.P.B. de Oliveira and P. Montealegre. “Mining a class of decision problems for one-dimensional cellular automata”. Journal of Cellular Automata, 13(5-6):393-405, 2018.

29. E. Ruivo, M. Montalva-Medel, P.P.B. de Oliveira and K. Perrot. Characterisation of the elementary cellular automata in terms of their maximum sensitivity to all possible asynchronous updates”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 113:209-220, 2018.

30. T. Mattos and P.P.B. de Oliveira. Guided evolutionary search for Boolean networks in the density classification problem”. In: Fernando De la Prieta, Sigeru Omatu and Antonio Fernández-Caballero, Eds. Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 15th International Conference, Springer: Series on Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 800, pp. 69-77, 2018.



31. M. Montalva, E. Goles and P.P.B. de Oliveira. A portfolio of classification problems by one-dimensional cellular automata, over cyclic binary configurations and parallel update”. Natural Computing, 2017. Printed version: 17(3):663–671, 2018.

32. E.L.P. Ruivo  and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Inferring the limit behaviour of some elementary cellular automata”, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 27(08):1730028 (16 pages), 2017.

33.  W.B. dos Santos e P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Representation of one-dimensional, balanced cellular automata, by means of templates”. Proc. of DINCON-SBA 2017 - Brazilian Conference on Dynamics, Control and Aplications, Proc. Series of the Brazilian Society of Applied and Computational Mathematics, 2017. In Portuguese.



34. P.P.B. de Oliveira, E.L.P. Ruivo, W.L. Costa, F.T. Miki and V.V. Trafaniuc. Advances in the study of elementary cellular automata regular language complexity”, Complexity, 21(6): 267-279, 2016.

35. L. Bulgarelli and P.P.B. de Oliveira. Extending standard evolutionary programming with self-adaptive stable distributions”, International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, 31(2):114-142, 2016.

36. E.L.P. Ruivo and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Computing cellular automata spectra under fixed boundary conditions via limit graphs”. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 27(6): 1650073-1/19, 2016.

37. C.L.M. Martins and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Computing Modulo-n by composing cellular automata rules”. Fundamenta Informaticae, 145(1):1-17, 2016.

38. R.C. Corrêa and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Partial reversibility of one-dimensional cellular automata”. In M. Cook and T. Neary (eds). Proc of AUTOMATA 2016 - The 22nd International Workshop on Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9664:120–134, 2016.


39. Zorandir Soares, Maurício Verardo and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “The difference operation between templates of binary cellular automata”. In: A. Rocha, A.M. Correia, H. Adeli, L.P. Reis and M.M. Teixeira (eds), New Advances in Information Systems and Technologies (Vol 444 of the series on Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing), Springer, 707-715, 2016.



40. C.L.M. Martins and P.P.B. de Oliveira. Merging Cellular Automata Rules to Optimise a Solution to the Modulo-n Problem”. In J. Kari, editor. Proc. of AUTOMATA 2015 - The 21st International Workshop on Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 9099, 2015.

41. C.E.P. de Carvalho and P.P.B. de Oliveira. Sorting with one-dimensional cellular automata using odd-even transposition”. In A. Rocha, A.M. Correia, S. Costanzo and L.P. Reis (eds.). New Contributions in Information Systems and Technologies (Series: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 353), Vol.1, pp. 523-532, Springer: Heidelberg, 2015.

42.  L.L. Chaves, L.H.A. Monteiro and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “An epidemiological model based on asynchronous, probabilistic cellular automata”. Proc. of DINCON-SBA 2015 - Brazilian Conference on Dynamics, Control and Aplications, Proc. Series of the Brazilian Society of Applied and Computational Mathematics, 2015. In Portuguese.



43. P.P.B. de Oliveira. and M. Verardo. Representing families of cellular automata rules”. The Mathematica Journal, 16(8), 2014.

44. P.P.B. de Oliveira. “On density determination with cellular automata: results, constructions and directions”. Journal of Cellular Automata, 9(5-6):357-385, 2014.

45. E.L.P. Ruivo and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Detection of filter-like cellular automata spectra”. IEEE IJCNN-WCCI 2014: International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, pp. 390-397, 2014.

46.  P.P.B. de Oliveira and M. Verardo. Template based representation of cellular automata rules”. In T. Isokawa,  K. Imai, N. Matsiu, F. Peper and H. Umeo, eds. Proc. of Automata 2014: 20th International Workshop on Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems, pp.199-204, 2014.



47. P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Conceptual connections around density determination in cellular automata”. In J. Kari, M. Kutrib and A. Malcher, eds. Proc. of the 19th International Workshop on Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8155:1-14, 2013.

48. H. Betel, P.P.B. de Oliveira and P. Flocchini. “Solving the parity problem in one-dimensional cellular automata”. Natural Computing, 12(3):323-337, 2013.

49. E.L.P. Ruivo and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “A spectral portrait of the elementary cellular automata rule space”. In H. Zenil, editor. Irreducibility and Computational Equivalence – Ten Years After Wolfram’s A New Kind of Science. Springer: Heidelberg, Chapter 16, pp. 211-235, 2013.

50. A. Adamatzky, S. Akl, R. Alonso-Sanz, W. van Dessel, Z. Ibrahim, A. Ilachinski, J. Jones, A.V.D.M. Kayem, G.J. Martínez, P.P.B. de Oliveira, M. Prokopenko, T. Schubert, P. Sloot, E. Strano and X.S. Yang. “Αre motorways rational from slime mould’s point of view?”. International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, 28(3):230-248, 2013.

51. W. Lairson and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “A matrix based notation for representing process graphs of elementary cellular automata”. In Anais of CMAC-SE 2013 - Congress on Applied and Computational Mathematics. SBMAC, 2013. In Portuguese.

52. M.A. Nogueira and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Generalisation of decontamination strategies of cellular automata lattices”. In: Proc. of DINCON 2013 – Brazilian Conference on Dynamics, Control and Aplications. Organised by: ABCM (Braz. Association of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences), SBA (Braz. Soc. of Automatics) and SBMAC (Braz. Soc. of Applied and Computational Mathematics), 2013. In Portuguese.

53.  D.S. Carvalho and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Data visualisation with Mathematica”. In L.A. Silva, V. Farinazzo and J.S.O. Neto, eds. Proc. of III Workshop on Technological Trends, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, SP, Brazil, Cap. 12, 36 pages, 2013. In Portuguese.



54. A. Adamatzky, S. Akl, R. Alonso-Sanz, W. van Dessel, Z. Ibrahim, A. Ilachinski, J. Jones, A.V.D.M. Kayem, G.J. Martínez, P.P.B. de Oliveira, M. Prokopenko, T. Schubert, P. Sloot, E. Strano and X.S. Yang. “Biorationality of motorways”. In A. Adamatzky, editor. Bioevaluation of World Transport Networks. pp. 309-325 (Chapter 18), World Scientific, 2012.

55. A. Adamatzky and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Brazilian highways from slime mold's point of view”. In A. Adamatzky, editor. Bioevaluation of World Transport Networks. pp. 93-111 (Chapter 6), World Scientific, 2012. Also in Kybernetes. 40(9-10):1373-1394, 2011.

56. H. Betel, P.P.B. de Oliveira and P. Flocchini. “On the parity problem in one-dimensional cellular automata”. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 90:110–126, 2012.

57. E.P. Ruivo and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Spectral similarity among elementary cellular automata”. In Enrico Formenti, editor. Proc. of the 18th International Workshop on Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems: Exploratory Papers Proceedings. Rapport de Recherche I3S - ISRN: I3S/RR-2012-04-FR, pp.89-98, 2012.

58.  P.P.B. de Oliveira and J.W. Garcia. “An attribute-value representation for a family of fractal images”. In: L. Santaella, editor. A Eco e a Tecnociência na Arte de José Wagner Garcia, pp. 46-57, Ed. Jatobá: São Paulo, SP, Brazil, 2012. In Portuguese.



59. A. Schranko and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Derivation and representation of one-dimensional, reversible, number-conserving cellular automata rules”, Journal of Cellular Automata, 6(1):77–89, 2011.

60. P.P.B. de Oliveira and M. Interciso. “Ternary representation improves the search for binary, one-dimensional density classifier cellular automata”. In Proceedings of IEEE CEC 2011 - Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2011, pp. 1920-1926, 2011.

61. T.G. Correale and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “A simple cellular multi-agent model of bacterial biofilm sustainability”. In N. Fatès, E. Goles, A. Maass & I. Rapaport, editors. Proc. of Automata 2011: 17th International Workshop on Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems, pp. 273-284, 2011.

62. G.S. Reis and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “A new image compression method based on fractal equations”. In Proc. of IEEE-IWCFTA 2011 - 4th Int. Workshop on Chaos-Fractal Theories and Applications, pp.421-425, 2011.

63. G. Kronemberger and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “The hypothesis of primitive and derived rules, towards a constructive algorithm for reversible cellular automata”. In Proc. of X SBAI – Brazilian Symposium on Intelligent Automation, SBA-IFAC, 2011. In Portuguese.



64. P.P.B. de Oliveira. “DRIMA: A minimal system for probing the dynamics of change in a reactive multi-agent setting”. The Mathematica Journal, 12(1):1-18, URL, 2010.

65. P.P.B. de Oliveira and R. Freitas. “Relative partial reversibility of elementary cellular automata”. In J. Kari, N. Fatés & T. Worsh, editors. Proc. of Automata 2010: 16th International Workshop on Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems, LORIA-INRIA, Nancy, France, pp.195-208, 2010.

66. A. Schranko and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Towards the definition of conservation degree for one-dimensional cellular automata rules”, Journal of Cellular Automata, 5(4-5):383–401, 2010.



67. C.L.M. Martins and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Improvement of a result on sequencing elementary cellular automata rules for solving the parity problem”. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 252:103-119, 2009.

68. R.A. Zimbres and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Dynamics of quality perception in a social network: A cellular automaton based model in aesthetics services”. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 252:157-180, 2009.

69. G.M.B. Oliveira, J.C. Bortot and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Further results on multiobjective evolutionary search for one-dimensional, density classifier, cellular automata, and strategy analysis of the rules”. In: G. Lambert-Torres, J.M. Abe, J.I. da Silva Filho and H.G. Martins, eds. Advances in Technological Applications of Logical and Intelligent Systems, Volume 186 (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications), Holland: IOS Press, p. 133-159, 2009.



70. C.C. Oliveira Jr. and P.P.B. de Oliveira. An approach to searching for two-dimensional cellular automata for recognition of handwritten digits”. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5317:462–471, 2008.

71. D. Wolz  and  P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Very effective evolutionary techniques for searching cellular automata rule spaces”. Journal of Cellular Automata, 3(4):289-312, 2008.

72. A. Schranko, P.E. Florêncio, R.M. Ywassa and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “A definition of conservation degree for one-dimensional cellular automata rules”. In: A. Adamatzky, R. Alonso-Sanz, A. Lawniczak, G.J. Martinez, K. Morita and T. Worsch, eds. Automata-2008: Theory and Applications of Cellular Automata. Luniver Press: Frome-UK, pp. 156-173, 2008.

73. L.C. Rodrigues, C.A.M. Lima, P.P.B. de Oliveira and P.N. Mustaro. “Clusterization of an online game community through self-organizing maps and an evolved fuzzy system”. In: Proc. of the 4th Int. Conf. on Natural Computation (ICNC´08), IEEE Press, V.2,  pp. 330-334, 2008.

74. R.A. Zimbres, E.P.Z. Brito and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Cellular automata based modeling of the formation and evolution of social networks: A case in Dentistry”. In: J. Cordeiro and J. Filipe, eds. Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2008), INSTICC Press: Setúbal-Portugal, Vol. III: Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, pp. 333-339, 2008.



75. P.S.G. Silva and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Evolutionary search for cellular automata in the parity problem: variations in rule evaluation methods”, In: J.C.F.M. Neves, M.F.V.T. Santos and J.M.F. Machado, eds. New Trends in Artificial Intelligence, APPIA: Associação Portuguesa para a Inteligência Artificial, Braga, Portugal, pp.231-239, 2007.

76. R.F. Portela and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “An experiment in file compression with reversible cellular automata”. In Proc. of the Sixth Congress of Logic Applied to Technology (LAPTEC 2007), Comunnicar: Santos, SP, Brazil, Paper ID:114, 8pp, 2007. ISBN 978-85-99561-45-4. In Portuguese.

77. A.B.M. Gutierrez and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Evolutionary strategies with mutations governed by stable distributions”. In Proc. of the Sixth Congress of Logic Applied to Technology (LAPTEC 2007), Comunnicar: Santos, SP, Brazil, Paper ID:105, 11pp, 2007. In Portuguese.

78. M.K.S. Kunyosi, F.T. Miki and P.P.B. de Oliveira. Compairing the implementation of the cellular automaton ENACT in Mathematica and in MCell”. Seleção Documental do GLPA, 2(7):5-12, 2007. In Portuguese.



79. P.P.B. de Oliveira, J.C. Bortot and G.M.B. Oliveira. The best currently known class of dynamically equivalent cellular automata rules for density classification”. Neurocomputing,  70(1-3):35-43, 2006.

80. H.S. Lima and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Strategies for automatic variation of the selective pressure in a class of evolutionary algorithms”. Seleção Documental, 1(3):5-12, 2006. In Portuguese.

81. P.P.B. de Oliveira and A.B.M. Gutierrez. “Self-adaptation in evolutionary strategies with stable distributions: preliminary results”. In: Proc. of the I Workshop on Computational Intelligence - IX Braz. Symp. on Neural Networks (WCI-SBRN), CD-ROM, Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil, 2006. In Portuguese.

82. J.A. Poiani and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Convergence of an agent’s behaviour, through its interaction with others, in a multi-agent cellular system” In: Proc. of the XXVII Iberian Latin American Congress in Computational Methods in Engineering (CILAMCE), CD-ROM, Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém, PA, Brazil, 2006. In Portuguese.

83. D.H. Iizuka, P.P.B. de Oliveira and M.V.P. Pessôa. 2006. “Evolution and coevolution of cooperative agents in a multiagent cellular setting”. In:  Proc. of the XXVII Iberian Latin American Congress in Computational Methods in Engineering (CILAMCE),  CD-ROM, Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém, PA, Brazil, 2006. In Portuguese.

84. R.A. Zimbres, E.P.Z. Brito, P.P.B. de Oliveira and E.P. Macedo. 2006. “Formation and evolution of business networks in Dentistry: An agent-based model”.  In: Proc of the 30th EnANPAD – Meeting of the National Association of Postgraduation and Research in Management (EnANPAD), CD-ROM, ANPAD - National Association of Postgraduation and Research in Management, Salvador, BA, Brazil, 2006.

85. C.C. Oliveira Jr. and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Recognition of hand-written numerical characters with cellular automata and the use of spectral prototypes”. In: Proc. in the XVI Braz. Congress on Automatics (CBA), CD-ROM, Braz. Automatics Soc., Salvador, BA, Brazil, p. 2838-2843, 2006. In Portuguese.



86. C.L.M. Martins and P.P.B. de Oliveira. Evolving sequential combinations of elementary cellular automata rules”. In: M. Capcarrèrre and A.A. Freitas, eds. Advances in Artificial Life (Proc. of the 8th European Conf. in Artificial Life), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 3630, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 461-470, 2005.

87. P.P.B. de Oliveira and R.B. Vaiano. “Searching for a cellular automaton to solve the parity problem”. In: A.C.B. Garcia and F.S. Osório, eds. Proc. of the 5th National Meeting on Artificial Intelligence (ENIA), Braz. Computing Soc, São Leopoldo, RS, Brazil, 2005. In Portuguese.

88. P.P.B. de Oliveira, M. Bertolani and M.A.G. Martinez. “Flexible design of an optical waveguide through evolutionary computation”. In: D. Lesnic, editor. 5th Int. Conf. on Inverse Problems in Engineering: Theory and Practice, Leeds Univ. Press, Leeds, UK, Vol. 1, p. D02.1-D02.9, 2005.



89. C.L.M. Martins and P.P.B. de Oliveira. Combining up to four elementary cellular automata in the solution of the density classification task”. Cadernos de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica (Postgraduate Journal on Electrical Engineering), 4(1):37-52, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, SP, Brazil, 2004. In Portuguese.

90. J.C. Bortot, P.P.B. de Oliveira and G.M.B. Oliveira. “Multiobjective, heuristic evolutionary search in a cooperative environment leads to the best cellular automaton rule in the density classification task”. In: A. Barros, A. Araújo, H.C. Yehia and R. Teixeira, Eds. Proc. of VII Braz. Symposium on  Neural Networks, IEEE Press/SBC-UFMA, CD-ROM: Paper 3565, 2004.

91. E.P. Macedo and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Dynamics and spectral similarity in the patterns involved in the processing of handwritten numerical digits, by a family of cellular automata”. In: P.R.M. Lyra, S.M.B.A. da Silva, F.S. Magnani, L.J.N. Guimarães, L.M. da Costa and E.P Junior, editores. Proc. of the XXV Iberian Latin American Congress in Computational Methods in Engineering (CILAMCE), CD-ROM, Recife, PE, 2004. In Portuguese.



92. G.M.B. Oliveira, O.K.N. Asakura and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Coevolutionary search for one-dimensional cellular automata, based on parameters related to their dynamic behaviour”. Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 13(2-4):99-110, 2003.

93. P.P.B. de Oliveira, O. Vogler and C.E. da Matta. “Diagnosis of human coronary conditions by a neural network, with evolutionary wavelength selection in their quantised Raman spectra”. Inverse Problems in Engineering, 11(4):309-328, 2003.

94. C.L.R. Santos and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “On GasNet controllers for a virtual robot in discrete and continuous versions of a food gathering task”. In: H. Leung, editor, Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing: Proc. of the 7th IASTED International Conference, Acta Press, Calgary, AB, Canada, 2003.

95. G.M.B. Oliveira, J.C. Bortot and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Multiobjective evolutionary search for one-dimensional cellular automata in the density classification task”. In: R.K. Standish, M.A. Bedau and H.A. Abass, editors. Artificial Life VIII, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA, (Complex Adaptive Systems Series), p.202-206, 2003.



96. G.M.B. Oliveira, O.K.N. Asakura and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Dynamic behaviour forecast as a driving force for coevolving one-dimensional cellular automata”. In Proceedings of VII Brazilian. Symposium on Neural Networks, IEEE Press, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, p.98-103, 2002.

97. O.K.N. Asakura, G.M.B. Oliveira and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Coevolutionary genetic algorithm for programming one-dimensional cellular automata”. In: A.D. Araújo and J. I.R. Natal, editors. Proceedings of the XIV Brazilian Congress on Automatics, SBA, p.1218-1225, 2002. In Portuguese.

98. P.P.B. de Oliveira, O. Vogler and C.E. da Matta. “A hybrid neural-evolutionary approach for diagnosing human coronary conditions from their Raman spectra”. In: H. Leung, editor, Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing: Proc. of the 6th IASTED International Conference, Acta Press, Calgary, AB, Canada, 287-292, 2002.

99. P.P.B. de Oliveira, O. Vogler and C.E. da Matta. “A combination of genetic algorithm and neural network for diagnosing arteriosclerotic lesions”. In: H. Orlande, editor. Proc. of the 4th Int. Conf. on Inverse Problems in Engineering: Theory and Practice, UEF and E-papers (RJ), Vol.1, p.177-184, 2002.



100.      G.M.B. de Oliveira, P.P.B. de Oliveira and N. Omar. “Definition and applications of a five-parameter characterization of one-dimensional cellular automata rule space”. Artificial Life, 7(3):277-301, 2001.

101.      C.L.R. Santos, P.P.B. de Oliveira , P. Husbands and C.R. Souza. “Three case studies on the GasNet model in discrete domains”. International Journal of Neural Systems, 11(3):295-304, 2001.

102.      G.M.B. de Oliveira, P.P.B. de Oliveira and N. Omar. “Searching for one-dimensional cellular automata in the absence of a priori information”. In: J. Kelemen and P. Sosík, eds. Advances in Artificial Life, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2159, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp.262-271, 2001.

103.      G.M.B. de Oliveira, P.P.B. de Oliveira and N. Omar. “Improving genetic search for one-dimensional cellular automata, using heuristics related to their dynamic behavior forecast”. In Proc. of the 2001 IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ, USA, Vol.1, pp.348-355, 2001.

104.      C.L.R. Santos, P.P.B. de Oliveira and C.R. Souza. “The quest for stabilisation in GasNet”. In Proc. of the V Brazilian Conference on Neural Networks, pp. 367-372, 2001. In Portuguese.



105.      G.M.B. de Oliveira, P.P.B. de Oliveira and N. Omar. “Guidelines for dynamics-based parameterizations of one-dimensional cellular automata rule spaces”. Complexity, 6:2, pp.63-71, John-Wiley, 2000.

106.      C.L.R. Santos, P.P.B. de Oliveira, P. Husbands and C.R. Souza. “Using the GasNet model in discrete domains”. In: C.H.C. Ribeiro and F.M.G. França, eds. Proceedings of VI SBRN, IEEE Press, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, V.1, pp. 231-236, 2000.

107.      G.M.B. de Oliveira, N. Omar and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Parameterisation of the one-dimensional cellular automata rule space”. In: A.H. Bruciapaglia and A.J.S. Costa, eds. Proc. of the XVIII Brazilian Congress on Automatics, SBA, pp.377-382, 2000. In Portuguese.

108.      G.M.B. Oliveira, P.P.B. de Oliveira and N. Omar. “Evolving solutions of the density classification task in 1D cellular automata, guided by parameters that estimate their dynamic behavior”. In: M.A. Bedau, J.S. McCaskill, N.H. Packard and S. Rasmussen, eds. Artificial Life VII, pp.428-436, MIT Press, 2000.



109.      P.L.K.G. Navarro, P.P.B. de Oliveira, F.M. Ramos and H.F.C. Velho. “An evolutionary approach in magnetotelluric inversion”. In: K. Woodbury, editor. Inverse Problems in Engineering: Theory and Practice, UEF-ASME, Port Ludlow, Washington, USA, pp.459-464, 2000.

110.      F.T. Miki, E. Issamoto, J.I. da Luz, P.P.B. de Oliveira, H.F.C. Velho and J.D.S. da Silva. “An inverse initial condition problem in heat conduction: A neural network approach”. In Proc. of the XV Brazilian Congress of Mechanical Engineering, CD-ROM: paper code AAAGHA, 1999.

111.      P.L.K.G. Navarro, P.P.B. de Oliveira, F.M. Ramos and H.F.C. Velho. “Magnetotelluric inversion using problem-specific genetic operators”. In: W. Banzhaf, J. Daida, A.E. Eiben, M.H. Garzon, V. Honavar, M. Jakiela and R.E. Smith, eds. GECCO-99: Proc. of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA, V.2, pp.1580-1587, 1999.

112.      F.T. Miki, E. Issamoto, J.I. da Luz, P.P.B. de Oliveira, H.F.C. Velho and J.D.S. da Silva. “A neural network approach in a backward heat conduction problem”. In Proc. of the IV Brazilian Congress in Neural Networks, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil, pp.19-24, 1999.

113.      P. Husbands and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “An evolutionary approach in quantitative spectroscopy”. In: B. McKay, X. Yao, C.S. Newton, J.-H. Kim and T. Furuhashi, eds. Simulated Evolution and Learning, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1585, Berlin, Germany, Springer-Verlag, pp. 268-275, 1999.



114.      A.S. Martinez, P.P.B. de Oliveira and P. Husbands. “Hybridising evolutionary and simplex algorithms”. In: Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática. Proc. of the 48th Brazilian Seminar on Analysis , Petrópolis, RJ, Brazil, (17-21/Nov.), pp.765-774, 1998.



115.      P.P.B. de Oliveira. “A note on Markovian modelling of evolutionary algorithms”. In: Sociedade Brasileira de Automática. Proc. of the 3rd Brazilian Symposium on Intelligent Automation, Vitória, ES, pp.277-282, 1997.



116.      P.P.B. de Oliveira, F.M Ramos, R.C. Gatto, H.F. Campos Velho, S. Stephany, P.L.K.G. Navarro, P. Husbands and I. Harvey. “A research agenda for iterative approaches to inverse problems using evolutionary computation”. In Proc. of the 1996 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation (ICEC'96), IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ, pp.55-60, 1996.

117.      P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Collapsing a Coevolutionary Process into a Computable Function”. BioSystems: Journal of Biological and Information Processing Sciences, Elsevier, 38:51-64, 1996.



118.      P.P.B. de Oliveira and R.C. Gatto. “An Experience in Satellite Doppler Positioning Using an Evolutionary Approach”. In: Hiroyuki Fujisada and Martin N. Sweeting, eds. Advanced and Next-Generation Satellites, Proc. SPIE 2583, pp.448-458, USA, 1995.

119.      R.C. Gatto and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Using Coevolving Genetic Algorithms to Find the Roots of a Function”. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress (IFSA-95), São Paulo, Brazil, Vol.I, pp.165-168, 1995.



120.      P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Coupling Computations Through Space”. In: W. Porod & G. Frazier, editors. Physics and Computation: This Decade and Beyond. IEEE Press, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, 1994.

121.      P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Simulation of Exaptive Behavior”. In: Y. Davidor, H.-P. Schwefel & R. Maenner, editors. Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 3, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 866, Berlin, Germany, Springer-Verlag, pp.354-364, 1994.

122.      P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Cellular Automata for an Approach to Emergent Functionality”. In S. Di Gregorio and G. Spezzano, editors, Proceedings of ACRI'94: Cellular Automata in Research and Industry, pp.99-111, CRAI (Consorzio per la Ricerca e le Applicazioni di Informatica), S. Stefano di Rende, CS, Italy, 1994.



123.      P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Methodological issues within a framework to support a class of artificial-life worlds in cellular automata”. In: D.G. Green & T. Bossomaier, editors. Complex Systems: From Biology to Computation. IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp.82-96, 1993.

124.      P.P.B. de Oliveira. “A cellular automaton to embed genetic search”. In: L. Nadell & D.L. Stein, editors. 1991 Lectures in Complex Systems. Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, Lect. Vol.IV, Addison-Wesley, pp.389-408, 1992.



125.      P.O. Simoni, V. Rodrigues and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “A system for analysis and interpretation of lineaments in remote sensing images”. In Proc. of the 6th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, Pattern Recognition Soc. of Finland, Oulu, Finland, pp.166-173, 1989.



126.      P.O. Simoni, V. Rodrigues and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “An artificial intelligence approach to lineation and lineament extraction from remote sensing data”. In Proc. of the 3rd Latin American Symposium on Remote Sensing, Acapulco, Mexico, 1988.

127.      V. Rodrigues, P.O. Simoni, P.P.B. de Oliveira, C.A. Oliveira and C.A.M. Nogueira. “Towards a knowledge-based system to assist the Brazilian data-collecting system operation”. In: S.L. Odell, J.S. Denton and M. Vereen, eds. Fourth Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Space Applications. NASA (Nat. Inf. Service), Springfield, VA, USA, v.3013, ch.51, pp.441-449, 1988.

128.      P.O. Simoni, V. Rodrigues and P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Using different sources of information in automated linear feature extraction from remote sensing data”. In Proc. of the V Brazilian Symposium on Remote Sensing, SELPER-INPE, Natal, RN, pp.530-536, 1988.



129.      P.P.B. de Oliveira. “Generation of models of decision rules: an approach centered on Inductive Learning”. In Proc. of the 8th Conference of the Brazilian Computing Society, SBC, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, pp.370-376, July 1988. Full version in: Master's Dissertation INPE-4299-TUL/276, 178 pages, 1987. In Portuguese.

130.      P.P.B. de Oliveira. “The issue of the representation of generalized objects in inductive learning”. In Proc. of the 6th Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, AFCET, Antibes, France, pp.851-862, 1987. In French.


Last update: Dec 2022